Okay ,thanks! Is there anyway that by doing this, I can accidentally mess up the project on laptop A?
If you just open a project in Tropy 1.7 the project file won’t be changed at all, so no.
If the project is not portable and you open the project on B, Tropy can’t find the photos, and you then let it consolidate all photos (that’s an action you have to actively trigger) then, yes, the paths would likely not work anymore on A (though you could easily ‘fix’ that on A again).
That said, it’s never a bad time to make a backup copy of your project!
Okay, got it. Many thanks. I’ll back it up first. And I won’t trigger any consolidations if Tropy can’t find the photos!
Worked! (It was already a portable project). Thanks so much for your help.
Actually my templates didn’t come over to the new computer. How do I fix this?
Yes, I did not mention that the templates (and vocabularies) are stored separately, so you need to move them to your new laptop. If you only have a handful of templates, the easiest way to move them, is by exporting them from laptop A (select the template in the template editor and export it) and importing them on laptop B.