Tropy 1.13 crashes during image import

Thank you - I have just imported more than 300 photos without any issue.
Seems to work well!

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A question to the flatpak, if I may: I have opened a larger project (about four thousand items) in this version and it started to consolidate photos; for most of the time, however it only reported “Deleting note…”. After about nine hours, no photos were still visible (although their paths are valid).

This sounds strange. I haven’t tested existing projects yet but I can imagine that there could be some permission issues. Is your project stored somewhere in your home directory or outside of it?

Deleting notes does not sound good either. I don’t think there’s an explanation how consolidation could lead to deleting notes. Were notes actually deleted?

The photos are on a pCloud drive mounted within my home directory. The files are accessible by the user who started flatpak/tropy process.

I compared the notes table in the database before and after and no notes were actually deleted. But this message stayed visible for most of the time.

Thanks again! In my own testing I can open and consolidate existing projects just fine. Perhaps you can help us figure out what’s going on in your case.

Basically, when you open an existing project for the first time there should be no thumbnails visible and Tropy should start consolidating the first few screens worth of photos. This is because the default location of the image cache folder is different for the flatpak version (.cache/tropy vs likely .var/app/org.tropy.Tropy/cache but you can check via Help -> Show cache folder). If the consolidation is successful, thumbnails should start appearing. If no thumbnails appear then consolidation is failing for some reason – in all likelihood there should be messages in the log file which should tell us what the reason is (either Tropy can’t locate the originals because of path or permission issues or Tropy can’t open and process the originals because of some issue with the shared libraries)

I’m sorry for taking a bit too long for the answer - I have just been terribly busy. You are right that the log is full of messages indicating that Tropy run via flatpak can’t read my images. For instance:

{"level":40,"time":1696624425298,"type":"renderer","name":"project","stack":"Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/data/scan/arch/NA/XXX/186.jpg'","msg":"failed to open photo /data/scan/arch/NA/XXX/186.jpg"}

It is on a pCloud filesystem and also, I use a symlink to make the paths readable and persistent. This works just fine in Tropy if not installed via flatpak.

Yes, this is unfortunate, the path /data is currently outside the list of paths that Tropy can access from inside the sandbox.

I haven’t used it before, but Flatseal can be used to modify permissions of locally installed apps. I’m not sure if it also allows adding additional permissions but if so, you could use this to add full disk access. I’d hesitate to give Tropy full disk access by default, because it defeats part of the purpose that the flatpak distribution serves (and the Flathub admins were already confrontational about the current permissions, which are relatively wide-ranging by including the home directory as well as the usual mount points for external drives).

Thank you - I used Flatseal to give the app permission for the /data path and that helped. This also seems reasonably safe to me.

I’ll try to use the Flatpak version when I have time and will report any issues.