Ability to see lists an item is part of

Right now in the item view it is really helpful to see what tags are attached to a given item.

It would also be helpful to see what lists the item is a part of. For example, if I have lists corresponding to book chapters and articles, it would be great to be able to open an item and see that I’m using it as evidence in three chapters and five articles. (That’s a lot - so I might want to think about why I’m relying so heavily on this one bit of documentary evidence - maybe there is a good reason and maybe not). It would also be helpful to open an item and see that I haven’t slotted it anywhere yet.

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When you select an item in the project view, the lists the item is part of are indicated with a little additional icon. Is that what you are looking for?

I think this request was about seeing the lists while in the item view. There’s currently no way to see the lists there.

Thanks! Yes, I was originally asking about seeing the lists while in item view, but it definitely works well enough for my purposes to be able to select an item in the project view and know what list it is a part of. Thanks!!