Bottom part of photo missing

If, by any chance, the reported value is 1.25 it might help explain the issue. In that case, could you tell me which MacBook you’re using (or send a screenshot of the ‘About this Mac’ window). Thanks again!

The reported value is 1.25 when I type in that code. Photo attached of my “About this Mac”

OK thank you very much for your help. I believe I know what is happening: basically, when the view area is being resized, the size reported to Tropy seems to be off by a factor of 1.25; as a result Tropy thinks the view area is bigger than it actually is and renders the photo at the wrong position and size.

I’m not entirely sure why this would is happening in your case; I’m guessing it may be related to the ‘scale’ setting (if that is enabled for you) in you system’s display preferences. We’ll include a fix or workaround for this situation with the next release.

I just checked and my scale preference isn’t selected. So, for now, there’s nothing I can do?

You could try by using any of the scaled settings (after you change the scale, resize the view area in Tropy to see if it works). Other than that, I’m afraid you have to wait for the next release – it is currently not easily possible to tune this behaviour from the outside.

On second thought, you may have adjusted the zoom level of Tropy. This can cause the problem you’re seeing: if you reset the zoom under View -> Zoom in the menu everything might work again (and starting with the next release changing the zoom level should be working again as well).