Can multiple people have access to the same material?

We have a group of about six people who will be accessing the material. Can multiple people have access to the same material?

Real-time collaboration is not built-in yet, but if you use relative paths to link your photos and store both project file and photos in a location that is accessible from multiple devices (e.g., a network shared folder) then everyone can open the project.

Note that Tropy does not resolve sync conflicts automatically, so you must be careful not to work on the same project simultaneously.

Is there any update on this topic since 2021? Or is the solution still to use relative paths and store both the project file and photos in a virtual location? (Just wanted to check since it’s been three years. I’m giving advice to a faculty member and want to be sure I’m telling them the most current information. Thanks.)

This is still the status quo, although we have added the new standard projects which streamline the storage using relative paths. See this thread for the current best practices: