I am having trouble getting the consolidate photo library function to work. The file I have been working with was created on a different machine, but both are windows based. I got the file via email. Then I loaded it and connected one of the photos to the field. The photos are located in my OneDrive. This photo connected just fine, but then I run the general consolidate photo library, and it runs very quickly and does not connect any of the photos to the Tropy file. I have also tried downloading the photos onto my hard drive and working with them that way, but that does not seem to work either. Help!
Is this a standard project or an advanced project? In a standard project, consolidation should normally not be necessary, because Tropy saves a copy of the original file in the project folder.
For advanced projects, Tropy expects the original file to stay in the location where it was first imported from. If you move the file, you’ll have to consolidate it in Tropy. In general you should only run the consolidation if you know that you’ve moved photos. You can then select one of the files that are missing and consolidate only that one file by selecting the file again at it’s new location. Tropy can then use this information to automatically find other missing files if they’ve moved in a similar way.
I do not know if it is advanced or standard. We have been using this project file for several years, so I don’t think that was a feature. Should I be using an older version of Tropy? The photos are on one drive. The tropy file has moved between my colleague’s computer which is windows and my windows computer. I am able to manually consolidate the photos but not automatically. I tried moving the photos to my hard drive but that did not work either. At a loss.
If you can share the project file with us and tell us where on your disk the photos are stored we can try to fix the paths for your.
I am going to try one other thing and then I will get back to you.