CSV Puglin Erros

Hi, i have a problem with importation.
Someone can help me?
When i try to import the program show me this message:
{“msg”:“Invalid Closing Quote: got “;” at line 1 instead of delimiter, record delimiter, trimable character (if activated) or comment”,“stack”:“Error: Invalid Closing Quote: got “;” at line 1 instead of delimiter, record delimiter, trimable character (if activated) or comment\n at Object.parse (C:\Users\Pedro\AppData\Roaming\Tropy\plugins\tropy-plugin-csv-v3.2.0\index.js:1313:19)\n at parse$1 (C:\Users\Pedro\AppData\Roaming\Tropy\plugins\tropy-plugin-csv-v3.2.0\index.js:1851:23)\n at CSVPlugin.import (C:\Users\Pedro\AppData\Roaming\Tropy\plugins\tropy-plugin-csv-v3.2.0\index.js:2215:25)”,“system”:“Windows_NT 10.0.19045 (x64)”,“time”:1738858322338,“version”:“1.16.2”}

I check out all my file and theres no “;” anywhere. What can i do to fix this erro??

Could you share the CSV file with us so we can take a look?

banco de imagens - aulas_3.CSV (25.9 KB)
Yes, here is.

Are you sure that’s the right file? The ‘;’ is used as the delimiter here, so there are a lot of them in the file obviously. I’d remove the triple quotes in the header and you should also should also remove the unused dc properties at the beginning. That’s not strictly necessary, but you have to remove at least dc:rights, because it repeats later on. Finally, the main issue is that the CSV plugin is intended to import images, so the tropy#path columns can’t be blank.

banco de imagens - aulas_ajustes.csv (31.9 KB)
I’ve done some changes in my file to verefy if it would work. But, still happen the same “Erro” (Invalid Closing Quote…). My excel file was with imagens “insert and link”, I change to links and saved as .csv, sharing with you the new one.

There’s quote " missing in the first line (the dc:rights column).

I’m not sure if it’s a problem, but you have an extra semicolon at the end of each line (like a blank extra column). It might not be a problem, but I’d make sure that every line has exactly the same columns.

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Thank you very much. I fixed this issue, now I have new ones kkkk, but i think i can solve them by myself.
For anyone that have the one i’ve complained in this topic, i suggest opening the .csv files in a text app instead of excel.