I have these documents available and am more than willing to share. Some have more metadata than others, but all have at least the archival location info.
- James Leander Cathcart Papers, Library of Congress (many of the letters in this collection are actually from William Eaton)
- James Simpson Letterbook, Library of Congress
- Edward Preble Papers (Boxes 5 and 6), Library of Congress
- Richard Dale Papers, Library of Congress (all letters are duplicated in the published document collection you can get at the American Naval Records Society digitized copy of the six-volume document collection, but there are some non-letters in here as well)
- Isaac Hull papers from the Barbary War era, National Archives
- Alexander Murray papers, National Archives
- Notes on the Tunisian Legation (1806), National Archives microfilm
- Letters from the Navy Department to the Secretary of State, National Archives (RG 45)
I’d be happy to share any of these documents with anyone.