Hi. I am using Tropy on Windows 10. I created a couple custom templates and customized my List view with the collumns I need.
As I am collaborating with other researchers and wanted to send to them both my custom template (DONE - that was easy!) and my custom “List View” (cannot find how!).
Is there a way to send the custom List view to another person? Where are custom List views stored on my machine (sorry, looked into all Tropy user files and could not find it!)??
Legacy Lab
The column configuration is stored together with other UI settings in Tropy’s user data folder. However, it’s not easily accessible from outside. If you’re interested I can explain how to extract the data using the developer tools, but it’s probably easier to just add the same columns on the other device via the UI.
Yes, please send me the treasure map! What file(s) include the UI settings?
Also, if I send the whole file to another user, could he copy it over his local file? Or the file includes references to my local machine?
The data is stored in Tropy’s user data folder under "electron/Local Storage/leveldb"
; this is the leveldb data. It’s probably not a good idea to copy the whole file to another Tropy installation, although that’s something you could try: it should be harmless if you make a backup copy first; the local storage doesn’t contain any essential information, but several UI settings and states (e.g., which items or photos are selected).
To only partially extract the custom columns you’d have to either use a leveldb CLI tool or similar or use Chromium’s developer tools in Tropy. You can do that by enabling developer mode from the preferences and then toggling the developer tools from the menu. In the ‘Application’ tab you can select ‘Local Storage’ to select the current database. In there you should see several keys like this nav@<id>
where <id>
is a unique id used for each project. You can find a project’s id in the project preferences. These nav objects contain the UI-navigation state for the respective projects. The value is a JSON object like this one:
And columns
is your column configuration for that project. Basically, to install the same column configuration on a different device you’d have to insert this JSON object in the target’s leveldb storage using the appropriate nav@<id>
key for the intended project.
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