Export to Omeka S

Hi, I just completed an export test from Tropy to Omeka S and all the data transferred except the “tag.” Or at least I’m not seeing the tag data in the item descriptions within Omeka S.
This image shows the json data I’m exporting. Screen Shot 2020-12-04 at 1.51.37 PM|451x500

I also tried exporting the data to a CSV but then the CSV file does not include the “note” data.

Would appreciate your help at this point.

Many thanks,

I need to look into this further, with regard to sending tags to Omeka S, but it seems like the current version of the CSV plugins has wrong default options. You should be able to include the notes in the CSV by going into the CSV plugin config and toggle the ‘Include notes?’ option off and on. Sorry about that, we’ll fix this in the upcoming release!