I have been using Tropy for a few months now, and it is really great, thanks a lot!!
I read several posts on the forum about Export to Omeka S and I wanted to ask a question, hoping it is not too redundant.
I work on items with the template Tropy Correspondance, I tried an export to Omeka S. It worked but only the Dublin Core fields are kept in Omeka S, I lost the metadata in the specific fields from the template, the tags and the notes.
How can I export to Omeka S keeping all the metadata, tags and notes? I think I read in another post that it is possible only by exporting a CSV file?
Thanks a lot for your help!!
Hello! You can safely transfer all the metadata fields if you create a corresponding template in Omeka first. Take a look at the relevant Omeka S section in Tropy’s user guide and let us know if you run into any difficulties.
Hello, thanks a lot for your quick answer! My problem is to import the vocabulary “Tropy correspondence” into Omeka S. I don’t find this vocab on LOV
and some specific fields like “collection”, “box” and “folder” are not dcterms nor foaf nor bib etc. Then, when I create my resource template in Omeka S, I can’t add those fields, they don’t exist in my Omeka S.
And I don’t understand how the tags and notes can be exported from Tropy to Omeka S? If this is also through the resource template, what is the appropriate field I must add?
Thanks a lot again for your help!
Collection, box, and folder are defined in Tropy’s vocabulary. You can export the vocabulary in Preferences > Vocabularies. Save the Tropy vocabulary, e.g., as tropy.n3
, and add it to Omeka – that should make those fields show up when you export them.
Thank you so much, this was exactly the point I missed, how to export a Tropy vocabulary!