How can I get one of those "Train the Trainers" sessions at my university?

I JUST found this software. For me, it is one of those things that you never knew you needed until you found it!

I also just saw that there are “Train the Trainers” sessions. The one in Texas would be near but it seems that the session is now closed so I can’t participate. Given the fact that I’ve been shut out, I would like to know how to set up a session at my university.

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It depends very greatly on what university you’re at. But I’d say your best bet for success is to start with reading the documentation ( and go from there–you may find you don’t even need a training session!

How do training sessions work, though? This didn’t really answer their question. Is it possible to have someone from Tropy train a research team or set up a training for archival researchers at a university?

At this point, no, we’re not really doing new sessions of training. Many universities are rolling out their own training sessions, but the Tropy team is only very rarely doing training ourselves. We have done some broader online training, where people from everywhere are invited to participate, and we may well do more of those. The best way to find out about those is to follow us on Twitter.