Is Tropy connected to Zotero Storage?

Hi All

I’m just about to start my PhD, and thankfully Tropy exists! I’m proud that alongside others, I’m part of a community of first users for what will definetly be an industry standard soon!

Anyways, If there are attempts to bring Zotero and Tropy together (ideally the former for secondary, and the latter for primary research). Are they both connected to Zotero storage?

What are the best backup practices?


You’re correct that Zotero is intended for secondary sources, and Tropy is for primary. Tropy is exclusively a desktop software at the moment–there’s no cloud component at all. In our next development cycle, we’ll be working on a cloud storage system (though it’s unlikely to be connected to Zotero storage).

You can find our current recommendations for backup here:

(P.S. Congrats on starting your PhD–best of luck!)