Moving images between two computers

I am sorry for coming back to the same issue. I have again problems trying to move my project between my two computers.

I am now trying to move the images back to my laptop. I logged on to my laptop and opened Tropy, I got a message on my macOS that the versions were not in sync. I clicked on the last version. Unfortunately I think that was the old laptop version. Everything I entered in my macOS has now disappeared. How do I get the images I have entered on my macOS back?


Can you give us a few more details about your situation? From what I understand, you moved a project from your laptop to a different computer, then worked on the project there and now you want to move it back to the laptop, is that right?

You mention the files were out of sync: do you mean you kept the files in a shared folder? If so, what software did you use to share the files, iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, or something else? The syncing itself happens outside of Tropy – can you try to find the most recent version of your project on your macOS computer, either directly or as a backup from whichever service you were using to sync the file?

I actually re-entered the information that was lost but now I am afraid this will happen again.

So, now my question is, how do I back up my images and the information I written in Tropy?
I have everything on i-Cloud. That is all my images (they are in one folder) and the Tropy file. Should I back up these files on a an external hard drive or in another system like Dropbox. What do you suggest? And How do I do it?