My Tropy Project won't open - SQLITE_IOERR message


When I try to open my Tropy project the message SQLITE_IOERR keeps appearing.

I last worked on it two days ago and today my project won’t open. It might be because I didn’t perform a proper shut down on my computer and various files locked themselves to self-protect. I’m no expert so not sure if this really is the cause.

Would someone be able to take a look at this to work out what the issue is?

Many thanks!


Can you post the your log file to see if there is additional information there? This error definitely suggests that Tropy can’t access the file for some reason – if the file was locked by the OS that’s very likely the reason.


Is this what you need:

{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605587,“type”:“browser”,“name”:“main”,“args”:[“file://,%20Jansenism%20and%20Print%20Culture%20in%20Eighteenth-Century%20Paris.tropy/project.tpy”],“opts”:{“env”:“production”,“autoUpdates”:true,“contextIsolation”:true,“webgl”:false,“debug”:false,“trace”:false,“data”:“C:\Users\raw813\AppData\Roaming\Tropy”,“cache”:“C:\Users\raw813\AppData\Roaming\Tropy\cache”,“logs”:“C:\Users\raw813\AppData\Roaming\Tropy\log”},“version”:“1.14.0”,“msg”:“main.init 1.14.0 Windows_NT 10.0.19044 (x64)”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605603,“type”:“browser”,“name”:“main”,“msg”:“plugins scanned: 0”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605604,“type”:“browser”,“name”:“main”,“msg”:“app state restored”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605605,“type”:“browser”,“name”:“main”,“file”:“\\\H2\Desktop\Women, Jansenism and Print Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris.tropy\project.tpy”,“msg”:“open new project window”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605799,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“dpx”:1.5,“opts”:{“app”:“C:\Users\raw813\AppData\Local\tropy\app-1.14.0\resources\app.asar”,“env”:“production”,“theme”:“light”,“aqua”:false,“contrast”:false,“dark”:false,“scrollbars”:true,“vibrancy”:false,“motion”:true,“file”:“\\\H2\Desktop\Women, Jansenism and Print Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris.tropy\project.tpy”,“data”:“C:\Users\raw813\AppData\Roaming\Tropy”,“debug”:false,“dev”:false,“cache”:“C:\Users\raw813\AppData\Roaming\Tropy\cache”,“plugins”:“C:\Users\raw813\AppData\Roaming\Tropy\plugins”,“fontSize”:“13px”,“frameless”:false,“level”:“info”,“locale”:“en”,“log”:“C:\Users\raw813\AppData\Roaming\Tropy\log\tropy.log”,“uuid”:“43371820-c197-11ed-86fd-7d17f88d87a1”,“update”:{},“version”:“1.14.0”,“webgl”:true,“zoom”:1,“maximizable”:true,“minimizable”:true},“msg”:“project.init”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605818,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“msg”:“plugins scanned: 0”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605818,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“msg”:“plugins loaded: 0”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605982,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“msg”:“restoring projectFiles@tropy”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605983,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“msg”:“restoring recent@tropy”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605983,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“msg”:“restoring settings@tropy”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605983,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“msg”:“restoring ui@tropy”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605985,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“mode”:“w+”,“msg”:“open db C:\Users\raw813\AppData\Roaming\Tropy\ontology.db”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853605989,“type”:“browser”,“name”:“main”,“msg”:“ready after 186.4580078125ms”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853606002,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“msg”:“project ready 348ms [dom:151ms win:13ms req:163ms]”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853606072,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“mode”:“webgl”,“resolution”:1,“msg”:“Esper.instance created with webgl renderer”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853606085,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“mode”:“w”,“msg”:“open db \\\H2\Desktop\Women, Jansenism and Print Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris.tropy\project.tpy”}
{“level”:40,“time”:1689853606105,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“stack”:“Error: SQLITE_IOERR: disk I/O error”,“msg”:“failed to create db connection”}
{“level”:40,“time”:1689853606105,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“stack”:“Error: SQLITE_IOERR: disk I/O error”,“msg”:“unexpected error in *”}
{“level”:40,“time”:1689853607315,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“action”:“project.closed”,“meta”:{“ipc”:true,“seq”:9,“now”:1689853607315},“msg”:“project.closed failed: SQLITE_IOERR: disk I/O error”,“stack”:“Error: SQLITE_IOERR: disk I/O error”}
{“level”:40,“time”:1689853607354,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“stack”:“Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘G:\Desktop\Marie Test.tropy\project.tpy’”,“msg”:“failed to stat project file ‘G:\Desktop\Marie Test.tropy’”}
{“level”:40,“time”:1689853607354,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“stack”:“Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘\\\H2\Desktop\PhD.tpy’”,“msg”:“failed to stat project file ‘\\\H2\Desktop\PhD.tpy’”}
{“level”:40,“time”:1689853607360,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“stack”:“Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘\\\H2\Desktop\NEW\RESEARCH TRIPS\ARCHIVES\PhD.tpy’”,“msg”:“failed to stat project file ‘\\\H2\Desktop\NEW\RESEARCH TRIPS\ARCHIVES\PhD.tpy’”}
{“level”:40,“time”:1689853607362,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“stack”:“Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘\\\H2\Desktop\MARIE\RESEARCH TRIPS\IMAGES, ARCHIVES & COLLECTIONS\IMAGES\PhD.tpy’”,“msg”:“failed to stat project file ‘\\\H2\Desktop\MARIE\RESEARCH TRIPS\IMAGES, ARCHIVES & COLLECTIONS\IMAGES\PhD.tpy’”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853607373,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“mode”:“r”,“msg”:“open db \\\H2\Desktop\project.tpy”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853607378,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“mode”:“r”,“msg”:“open db G:\Desktop\Women, Jansenism and Print Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris.tropy\project.tpy”}
{“level”:30,“time”:1689853607385,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“mode”:“r”,“msg”:“open db \\\H2\Documents\PHD.tpy”}
{“level”:40,“time”:1689853607397,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“stack”:“Error: SQLITE_IOERR: disk I/O error”,“msg”:“failed to create db connection”}
{“level”:40,“time”:1689853607397,“type”:“renderer”,“name”:“project”,“stack”:“Error: SQLITE_IOERR: disk I/O error”,“msg”:“failed to stat project file ‘G:\Desktop\Women, Jansenism and Print Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris.tropy’”}

I should also say that I am using Windows 10.

Yes, thanks!

It looks like you’re trying to open project files on a remote drive (from \\ but Tropy can’t access the files there. My first guess would be that the remote drive isn’t connected. Can you see the files in Windows Explorer?


Yes, I can see the files in Windows Explorer.

Initially, there was a synchronisation (Sync) issue between my local machine and the remote server which has now been fixed. However, the two temporary files that are created by opening the Tropy project can’t be deleted which we think is causing the issue - I’ve included an snippet of the files I mean.

I am using a university-managed machine so do not have full admin rights to delete these. The error code is 0x800710FE


I’ve opened up the Tropy project by creating a new local copy and the data is definitely there. In SQLITE it’s appearing with all my metadata so I haven’t lost it but there seems to be an issue in communication between my local machine and my university server.

Best wishes,


Please don’t delete those temporary files! These are used by the project database and deleting them can cause the project file to get damaged.

In the log file you posted earlier the issue (IOERROR) was that the .tpy file could not be opened. I assume that was the sync issue with the shared drive. If the drive is connected now then I would guess it should open fine again?

While you’re working on a project, Tropy will open the .tpy file and those wal/shm files for writing. If this is a remote drive it’s important that you have continuous access to it (via the Windows file system).


Those files are not deleted.

The issue IOERROR is with the .tpy file, yes. Everything is synched again and connected to remote drive but the .tpy file still won’t open. I get the same IOERROR message.

I created a copy of the original .tpy file and that seems to open and close fine. Should I use this copy instead from now on? I’m worried I will have issues with it in future…

Oh, I see. Right, in this case you’re previous suspicion might be correct after all. Maybe Tropy actually can’t open/replace those two files at their original location. I suspect that when you copy the .tpy elsewhere to open it those files get created again there. So to solve the issue I think you need to somehow unlock the two files – normally you should never delete them, but since they both have 0 bytes right now that could be an option here.

If you can’t unlock the files because of insufficient privileges you could also try to copy the full project to a new location. But for this you need to move everything in the project folder (except for those two files).