Need an assistance

When I opened my tropy project, I saw a suggestion of the newer version of Tropy and the message is as follows: tropy 1.5.4 is ready to be installed. Do you want to install and restart it now?
What should I do? Are there steps to follow for the installation of tropy 1.5.4? Or should I click on Restart Now? Please help me deal with this!
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Automatic updates are enabled by default on Windows, so if you click ‘restart now’ (or close and restart Tropy later) the update will be installed.

Thank you very much for this.

I need your assistance on this. I observe the appearance of the warning symbol on one of the manuscript photos and I checked the folder containing all the photos, the photo in question exists. I do not understand why it appears. Please, could you tell what is wrong with it or if it does not matter?
Thank you very much in advance.

Does the warning symbol on the photo persist / re-appear if you restart Tropy? If not, it can safely be ignored: this was likely because you updated to 1.6 recently and this was the first time you viewed the photo so Tropy was re-generating the associated thumbnails (which changed in 1.6 to preserve aspect ratio).

If the symbol is persistent then Tropy can’t load the photo. In that case it’s best to consolidate the photo.

Yes, the warning symbol persists. I have also checked the photos of other tropy projects and I noticed that some photos bear the same symbol(not all) and I tried to re-open tropy, it persists. Is there a possibility to consolidate those photos individually? if yes, you can give the instructions to do.