Populating the "date" column with the automatically recognised date "Tropy Photo" (instead of the "Tropy Generic" date)

thanks very much for putting together this software!
In my current project I want to use Tropy to organise photos taken over several years to identify which photos to exclude due to duplicates or poor quality.
Because the content of photos can be repetitive, for identifying duplicates, it would be useful to see the date they were taken in the column. When importing, Tropy recorded the dates photos were taken via the “Tropy Photo” template, and I can see the date of a particular photo when I select that photo. However, in the overview of all photos, the “date” column is empty. I wonder if that column is populated by the “Tropy Generic” template, which didn’t recognise the date when a photo was taken.
I was hoping that I could change the default templates for import, but it looks like I have to have both Tropy Generic and Tropy Photo as default?

I have also tried manually changing the template in the Template column of imported photos to Tropy Photo but that doesn’t populate the date column either.

Is there anything I can do to show the original dates in the column? Thank you!

Okay I have figured it out myself via this post:

Blockquote If your photos have either of these two EXIF fields set and you want a strict 1:1 relationship between items and photos then you can make a copy of the default item template, add the respective EXIF date field to it and then set this template as the default item template.

Why do my imported photos have no metadata.

I had to create a new Generic template with a property for “DateTimeOriginal”

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