Read/Copy field "Where from:" in macOS

Many items downloaded from the web have a field “More info > Where from” on macOS. An example:

This can be seen by Getting info in the Finder. It would be great if this field could be automatically picked up by Tropy.

I guess while I’m wishing if the Comments field could be copied to Notes that would be great too. I put notes from the source or about the source there.

This looks to be a great app. I’ve just downloaded it.

Should I post this on GitHub or is this adequate?

I believe this information is not actually stored in the file itself, but somewhere on your system. However, we might be able to fetch that information on macOS. I’ll take a look if that would be feasible.

In the future we’re planning to parse more embedded metadata such as IPTC and XMP.

@inukshuk xattr -l image.jpg displays the information. I went to Stackoverflow for an answer Last answer was that it was in the inode.

Glad you’re considering adding this info. Worth a look at the link as people are still chiming in.

mdls is so far the most useful command to see what’s associated with the image, although I think this is macOS only.

Interesting! We’ll track this on GitHub. Thanks for a good idea!