Recogito export plugin

We’ve recently met with the friendly folks over at Recogito to discuss ways of exporting data from Tropy to Recogito. If you use both Tropy and Recogito (or would be interested to), please let us know about your use cases here, so that we can make sure to support them!

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I would potentially find this very useful, I am just setting up a project in Tropy which will ultimately feed into a digital mapping project. I am making use of the Location/Lat/Long metadata and was thinking about way to enrich this so that I could draw in gazzetteer links or similar.

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Its good to see discussion wrt gazetteer and annotating to make information repository for use in semantic archives as well as custom tool development.

Any integration with PeriodO, Pleidas, Recogito, Pelagios, IIIF would be great.

If someone selfhosts Recogito, then additional setting to provide its url in Tropy would be very great.

Many times when people try to use Tropy for organizing their collections, they love to add annotation. However, i have not found any particular mechanism in OmekaS side that can ingest them. Recogito would be a good option.