A template for works of art (paintings, sculptures, architectures...) and for archive documents (architectural drawings, etc... ). Does it exists?


you are on the right track with the thesauri you posted. Ideally you’d simply download the Notation3 files at the bottom of the vocabulary pages and import them into Tropy. Unfortunately, these thesauri make use of features that are not fully implemented in Tropy for the time being. We are aware of this issue and are eager to make this work as soon as possible.

You may also have a look at this thread: Tropy for catalog of Individual Artist works?. The Getty Vocabularies might be of interest to you: Getty Vocabularies (Getty Research Institute). But again, Tropy does not support all features yet and some of those vocabularies are still work in progress. The Getty Vocabulary Program ontology is available here: Linked Open Vocabularies. It should e.g. provide the terms that are being used in the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT).

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